PREVIEW (before event on 8/16-17/2023)
Hello from Mike Lindell,
On August 16th and 17th, the Lindell Legal Offense Fund is hosting an event like we have never seen before in history!
Costing more than $3 million, we are bringing together representation from ALL 50 states!
We are here to fix our election platforms and ensure those who legitimately win take office-
REGISTER at LindellEvent.com
Everyone, whether you are a Republican, Democrat, liberal, or conservative, will embrace the plan we are ready to announce.
This plan has been worked on for over a year and will be revealed to the world at the Election Summit.
It's time to stop the nonsense and end the steal!
This event will be streamed in 90 different languages around the world from Frankspeech.com!
Share this message with everyone you know and register at lindellevent.com.
We need your continued support to ensure they don't steal the 2024 elections!
Every legally cast ballot must be fully counted.
We are at an inconceivable time in our American story.
The Whitehouse is being run by drug dealers and schemers,
openly negotiating with terrorists and selling our children to the highest bidder.
We can stop this, and we must stop this.
To get the word out, please send this link:
to all your friends and family.
We are being asked to secure the greatest nation this world has ever seen, and I know we are ready to answer this call.
Go to lindellevent.com -
register and you will also receive a special free gift from me.
No obligation and no donation is required.
I simply ask you to share this message to at least 5 of your closest friends and family.
We are the answer, and we will save this country.
Thank you for your support and your work in saving this great country.
We can never give up hope, we will never give in to threats of lawfare,
and we will NEVER stop fighting until we have secured our elections.
God Bless,
Mike Lindell
The Lindell Legal Offense Fund
FrankSpeech, Collierville, TN 38017, USA
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